SensorHut Ltd (Cambridge, UK) has developed a new Miniature Optical Pathlength technology for Volatile Organic Compounds (MOP-VOC) sensing. Our nano-photonics based technology enables miniaturisation of the optical pathlength from meters to below 1 cm, plus offering improved detection selectivity, wider concentration range and lower cost.
MOP-VOC offers three orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity compared to standard free-space spectroscopy, and operates over the UV, NIR and MIR spectral ranges.
We will also provide sensor solutions for specific applications where specific VOC quantification is required, with applications ranging from monitoring industrial processes to medical diagnostics.
Our MOP-VOC integrates with standard light sources, spectrometers and photodetectors, either fibre coupled or as part of your spectrometer. We are seeking partnerships with companies who want to integrate this technology into your products.